I am not sure if words can express the depth of my gratitude for the experience of the Kairos Retreat. I am grateful for your love and support, and I hope to continue to grow in my faith with your encouragement. But with the help of God and the amazing people I met, I have started to let go of those burdens and find healing. I realized during those four days that I have been carrying around a lot of pain and resentment towards myself and others. It’s hard to put into words how much the Kairos Retreat has impacted me. 2-Letter to a family member with vulnerability: Thank you for always being there for me and making me laugh. But on a serious note, I am grateful for the opportunity to reflect on my faith and connect with amazing people like you. I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, because I have a lot to share with you about my experience at the Kairos Retreat! For starters, I learned that I am not as funny as I thought I was. Tips for writing Kairos Retreat lettersħ Examples of Kairos Retreat Letters 1-Letter to a friend with humor:.6-Letter to a past self with forgiveness:.2-Letter to a family member with vulnerability:.I love you and care about your personal and spiritual journey. I am proud of the man you are becoming, and will always have an open heart and ear for any problem, adventure, or advice you need. Keep your faith in your heart and God will guide you through life. If you live the life others expect of you, you will find yourself in a place you will not like.
Free sample kairos retreat letters how to#
Never let others tell you how to be or whom to love. You are your own unique young man and it is my wish that you stay this way. I see your strength already at your young age.

If you are always true to your heart, you will never feel regret or guilt. Keep your heart open to love and you will find yourself respected and cherished. No matter what God throws at you, you will rise up and find peace and happiness. I hope you continue on the righteous path of joy and acceptance.

You have already shown your resilience and compassion and I couldn’t be more proud of you. Even with suffering and tragedy, life can be fulfilling and you can and will find love and joy.
Free sample kairos retreat letters free#
I wish I could promise you a life free of pain, disappointment, and anxiety, but I cannot. Some of them will amaze you and some of them will depress you. Life has so many ups and downs, and you will find yourself in so many different situations. I love you to the moon and back a hundred times. I will never turn my back on you, and no problem is too big, and no pain too deep for us to conquer. Whether you need help with homework, a shoulder to cry on, or a sounding board for problems. I want you to know I am always here to help you with any issue, large or small. You bring joy and love to your mother and I when report cards come home, when you assist your soccer team, and every time you just smile. When you are engaged, your focus is enviable. My pride for you knows no limits, as you constantly surprise me with your commitment. Your compassion for others is so beautiful it has at times brought me to tears. You are a gift to all – so lovely, kind, and thoughtful – and yet I want to hold you and keep you as mine alone. I am jealous of the world that I have to share you and can’t keep you to myself. Wherever you go, you are in my heart and in my mind I am hugging and loving you unconditionally. Your heart is big and its voice will guide you at every turn. I wish you the strength to face challenges head on and without fear. I hope you enter every one of life’s journeys, large or small, with confidence and wisdom – choosing your battles with caution and empathy. You have more confidence and intelligence than I had at your age, or even at my age. Just when I think I cannot love you any more than I already do, you show me another side of you – your positive spirit, compassionate heart, and creative mind.

Every time I see you put others before you, my pride and love for you grows. I cannot begin to express how proud I am of you. Below we have a list of some samples of palanca letters that could be for sons, daughters and nephew. Palanca letters gives support in the form of guidance, prayer and/or honest communication. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.